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PostPosted: 14 Jul 2015, 19:52
User avatarSite AdminPosts: 187Location: Seattle, WAJoined: 24 Sep 2013, 19:00Status/Identification: Gorean Free Woman
CollarSpace IRC Chat

This one isn't actually too bad, and the guy was not a jerk at all. He was just inept and I found myself mildly amused with the whole thing.

(My commentary like this)
Commentary = stuff I added for you, the readers, rather than part of the original message exchange.

[14:42:23] Common channels with HypnoMaster: #Collarspace_Lobby
[14:42:23] <HypnoMaster> hey :) how's life treating you?
[14:44:04] <KhaosWolfKat> Hello. Well enough. You?
[14:44:53] <HypnoMaster> same lol. i've got work tonight but nothing else really going on
[14:46:14] <KhaosWolfKat> I'm having coffee, then am going to head to the Y to hit the pool.
[14:46:36] <HypnoMaster> cool :)
[14:48:59] <KhaosWolfKat> That's the idea! ;)
[14:49:04] <KhaosWolfKat> It's too bloody hot here!
[14:49:19] <HypnoMaster> i saw you are into mental bondage, what about it interests you?

(Umm... Yeaaaah.. No I'm not!)

[14:49:30] <HypnoMaster> and yea, thats alwats the idea haha
[14:49:35] <HypnoMaster> always*
[14:49:41] <KhaosWolfKat> Hmm.. It does?
[14:50:00] <KhaosWolfKat> I don't recall using that terminology, but ok.
[14:50:22] <HypnoMaster> its in your Loves: section lol

(Oh. Of course. He didn't read the profile, just the generated kink list.)

[14:51:23] <KhaosWolfKat> Ahhh. OK.
[14:51:31] <KhaosWolfKat> It's CM/CS wording.
[14:51:54] <HypnoMaster> yea pretty much
[14:52:38] <KhaosWolfKat> So.. internal enslavement, basically.
[14:53:08] <HypnoMaster> cool beans :) have you ever tried hypnosis at all?
[14:53:08] <KhaosWolfKat> And just getting into the person's head.. knowing exactly how they will react even before they do..
[14:53:21] <KhaosWolfKat> I haven't.
[14:53:39] <HypnoMaster> would it be something you would like to try?
[14:53:54] <KhaosWolfKat> Well, other than a very long time ago as a teen, when some "professional" tried to prove to me that they could. It didn't work.
[14:54:06] <KhaosWolfKat> The thought has crossed my mind.
[14:54:17] <KhaosWolfKat> Though, I may be too much of a sceptic.
[14:55:19] <HypnoMaster> if you keep yourself too guarded it wont work at all. its about giving the benefit of the doubt and allowing the hypnotist to relax and guide you into that state of mind
[14:56:43] <KhaosWolfKat> I've done plenty of meditation, including guided meditation, and have no trouble at all there.
[14:57:25] <HypnoMaster> may do an induction with you?
[14:57:53] <HypnoMaster> if you have time i mean lol
[15:01:26] <KhaosWolfKat> An induction?
[15:02:50] <HypnoMaster> its basically what the hypnosis process is called
[15:04:17] <HypnoMaster> you can visualize images is your mind without closing your eyes, i assume?
[15:04:49] <KhaosWolfKat> I can. I am able to enter a trance/meditative state at will.
[15:05:28] <HypnoMaster> ok what 3 colors do you find irresistably captivating?
[15:06:14] <KhaosWolfKat> Irresistably? None.
[15:06:51] <KhaosWolfKat> Favourites: Deep/dark purples (eggplant, plum, similar hues)
[15:07:14] <KhaosWolfKat> Deep burgundy/wine shades.
[15:07:25] <KhaosWolfKat> And dark, rich greens.
[15:07:36] <KhaosWolfKat> Like forest and dark emerald,
[15:08:06] <HypnoMaster> ok visualize a relaxing vortex of mist made of those colors swirling around my words, drawing you in. when you feel this happen, reply "i do now"
[15:09:05] <KhaosWolfKat> OK.. I'
[15:09:20] <KhaosWolfKat> ll play . Hold on though. Need to let others know I'm "afk"

(I decided to give it an honest try, cause what the hell.)

[15:11:26] <KhaosWolfKat> I do now.
[15:11:58] <HypnoMaster> how do you feel as you watch the mist swirl around my words?
[15:12:11] <KhaosWolfKat> Curious.
[15:12:32] <KhaosWolfKat> Intrigued.
[15:12:34] <HypnoMaster> in what way do you feel curious?
[15:14:27] <KhaosWolfKat> I am curious about this process, whether it actually "works", and, as I have wondered often, if there is a difference between hypnosis and guided meditation, really.
[15:16:53] <HypnoMaster> it only works if you allow it to and guided meditation and hypnosis are identical except for the fact that hypnosis is meant for a deeper more physically and mentally effecting the subject to better ennact change
[15:18:59] <KhaosWolfKat> I have often used guided meditation with others to more deeply instill affirmations and suggestions, and will practices on a deeper level, for enrichment purposes. And have done the same with myself, as well as (mostly long ago) been on the receiving end of such.
[15:19:43] <HypnoMaster> do you feel more drawn than normal right now as you visualize the mist?
[15:19:51] <KhaosWolfKat> Perhaps that is why I have felt hypnosis "didn't work" on me.. Because I was expecting something more than what I tend to view as commonplace, in my life and spiritual practices.
[15:20:21] <KhaosWolfKat> Not more than I usually do when I use the coloured mist visualisation techniques to achieve trance states.
[15:20:39] <KhaosWolfKat> Though, "drawn" isn't exactly the right word.
[15:21:02] <KhaosWolfKat> More.. potentially engaged and interested.
[15:21:27] <HypnoMaster> do you feel more engaged and interested with each breath you take?
[15:22:18] <KhaosWolfKat> Sort of, now that it has been suggested as a goal.
[15:22:52] <HypnoMaster> and do you feel very suggestionable right now?
[15:23:48] <KhaosWolfKat> the use of non-words is very distracting.
[15:24:05] <KhaosWolfKat> Blows me right out of "space"
[15:25:21] <KhaosWolfKat> My mind is now focussed more on, "suggestionable", and thoughts about my pedantry.
[15:26:18] <HypnoMaster> you no longer want to look away and want to go even deeper into this suggestionable state of mind.
[15:28:09] <KhaosWolfKat> I believe the word you mean is "suggestible". Improper use of language is really distracting to me and not likely to help.
[15:29:22] <HypnoMaster> ok thank you :) you want to become more suggestible as you sink deeper into the mist. reply "yes i do" to confirm your new desire
[15:29:39] <KhaosWolfKat> And now I need to pee. Which is also distracting. Please pardon me a moment.
[15:29:50] <HypnoMaster> sure
[15:32:52] <KhaosWolfKat> OK. Back.
[15:33:05] <HypnoMaster> welcome back :)
[15:34:16] <HypnoMaster> try to allow yourself to return to that relaxing and suggestible place within the mist now alright?
[15:34:23] <KhaosWolfKat> So.. yeah. working on that bit.
[15:34:35] <KhaosWolfKat> Finding it difficult to take seriously.
[15:34:55] <HypnoMaster> its ok :) it takes time for most people
[15:35:11] <KhaosWolfKat> I'll put on some conducive music
[15:35:43] <HypnoMaster> alright

(I started one of my meditation playlists.)

[15:38:38] <KhaosWolfKat> There.
[15:39:12] <HypnoMaster> how do you feel now as you watch the mist swirling around my words?
[15:39:58] <KhaosWolfKat> in waiting space. Mildly curious still. No particular emotions.
[15:41:12] <HypnoMaster> and each breath you take is sending you deeper into a very suggestible and relaxing state of mind. isnt that correct?
[15:41:51] <KhaosWolfKat> relaxed, yes. Suggestible, remains to be seen. I am open.
[15:43:07] <HypnoMaster> from 1-10 how open do you feel to my suggestions and is that feeling increasing with each breath you take?
[15:44:32] <KhaosWolfKat> thinking
[15:45:03] <KhaosWolfKat> can't come up with a number without jacking out of space too much. potentially increasing.
[15:46:01] <HypnoMaster> and you want it to increase now dont you
[15:46:27] <KhaosWolfKat> .::Sigh::.
[15:46:35] KhaosWolfKat sighs.
[15:46:44] <KhaosWolfKat> this approach isn't working very well.
[15:46:46] <KhaosWolfKat> Sorry.
[15:47:08] <HypnoMaster> its ok :) text hypnosis doesnt work for everyone :P
[15:47:23] <KhaosWolfKat> It's more your choices of wording.
[15:48:34] <HypnoMaster> could very well be
[15:49:00] <KhaosWolfKat> More like pushing than guiding. It tends to raise instinctive resistance and annoyance in me when someone tells me what I want.
[15:49:35] <KhaosWolfKat> That's never worked well on me.. even when I was a slave.
[15:50:53] <HypnoMaster> well you seem very stong willed so i can only imagine lol
[15:51:49] <KhaosWolfKat> I've found that guidance and leading works far better than telling.
[15:51:57] <KhaosWolfKat> With others as well. Not just me.
[15:52:24] <KhaosWolfKat> And telling someone what they think/like/feel almost always raises hackles.
[15:52:42] <HypnoMaster> ill consider your input :) we all still learn even when we feel we know enough :)
[15:52:57] <KhaosWolfKat> This is quite true.
[15:53:04] <KhaosWolfKat> I'll never know enough.
[15:53:44] <KhaosWolfKat> It would take more lifetimes than even I can imagine to satiate my desire for knowledge and learning.
[15:54:06] <HypnoMaster> nor will i :) and i feel the same way :)
[15:57:37] <KhaosWolfKat> Good call.
[15:57:54] <HypnoMaster> :)
[15:58:30] <HypnoMaster> hey i gotta hey out soon for work so i need to grab something to eat and get ready. it was nice talking to you :)
[15:59:02] <KhaosWolfKat> Have fun.
[15:59:11] <HypnoMaster> ty :) you as well

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