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PostPosted: 30 Nov 2019, 16:53
User avatarSite AdminPosts: 187Location: Seattle, WAJoined: 24 Sep 2013, 19:00Status/Identification: Gorean Free Woman
From CS Mail, meaning that all manner of punctuation and parts of words that the mail system even thinks might be posting a url is edited out, so a lot of the funky formatting, missing parts of words, and lack of punctuation is due to that.

I got contacted by this wannabe pimp and his (probably imaginary) bottom bitch.. er.. I mean dominant couple the other day.

It went pretty much as expected.

Please note: I am not knocking prostitution or any sex work as a personal choice. I am knocking trying to pass it off as "serving a dominant couple".

(My commentary like this)
Commentary = stuff I added for you, the readers, rather than part of the original message exchange.

Dominant Couple
[North-Eastern State]
[50s dude/30s chick]

Recent Message History:

ScammyCouple on 11/19/19 at 4:31 PM:
Hello can we talk? You are very attractive and stunning We have 20 years experince we are a poly couple you can serve both or just the male or just the female Contact us asap at *555 867 5309* text us if interested or if you have any questions we also have a job avalible 100 an hour lifestyle job

(A pity you don't seem to have enough experience to read profiles or spellcheck)

KhaosWolfKat on 11/20/19 at 7:47 AM:
Warm greetings Sir and Lady,

I feel so lucky and special that you have singled me out of all the hundreds of people here to potentially serve an experienced couple, when there are so many fakes and scammers on here

(That was a sarcasm-laden hint, nimrod.)

What was it in my profile that stood out so much that you would pick me?
I want to know what I did right, of course
Could I serve you and do the job or is it either or?
What kind of a job is it?
Tell me more please
I look forward to knowing everything I possibly can about what you have to offer

ScammyCouple on 11/20/19 at 6:04 PM:
You can do both the job and serve What it was was your picture love the hair and face as well as you made your self seem smart and real and just your profile came off very well put togather Your experince And your beauty

(Hint not taken. Check. And once again, idiots don't seem to realise you can SEE when someone views your profile on CS. It tells you. And I made myself seem smart? Really? WTF kind of backhanded compliment is that?)

ScammyCouple on 11/22/19 at 9:01 AM:
Hi how are you you interested in us

(Oh yeah. I'm totally interested in being the property of an illiterate, wannabe pimp)

KhaosWolfKat on 11/22/19 at 2:29 PM:
I was still waiting for you to tell me more about the position

(As if I didn't already know what it was going to be.)

ScammyCouple on 11/22/19 at 4:40 PM:
It is escorting and bdsm sub for hire for 100 an hour here in [their state] we travel all over [their state] and [nearby state] working at resorts and hotels and we pay for the rooms

(DING ding ding! I called it! What did I win?? Oh. Eew. No, thank you. Pass.)

KhaosWolfKat on 11/22/19 at 9:17 PM:
So, relocating and cohabiting would definitely be part of the deal, it looks like?

(Both listed as NON negotiable limits in my profile)

Is it ownership or a dom sub contract with negotiated limits?

(NOT looking for ownership/slavery also explicitly stated in my profile)

Who has final say on limits?
What about other relationships outside of the household?
Are those permitted?
Would it be a sexual dynamic or just protocol and non sexual BDSM play?

(My profile clearly states I am looking for a NON sexual dynamic. Pretty sure that automatically rules out being an "escort".)

ScammyCouple on 11/22/19 at 10:17 PM:
You can have friends and a life outside of serveomg is you would work for us male 100 an hour travel with us when working attend all parties and events with us and would live near by as kids still live at home Ownership You can state your limits and we will respect them

KhaosWolfKat on 11/23/19 at 7:12 PM:
So, basically, several things I state ON MY PROFILE that you said you liked, as non negotiable are required and none of what you offer is at all what I state I am specifically looking for in said profile

And all this time, despite several opportunities, you never once actually viewed my full profile

You either did not read it at all, and were lying about liking it being well put together, OR you did read it, but decided that you are the exception to the things I wrote in there or that my limits and preferences are not important to you

Either way, I do not believe you would respect real life limits when you cannot or choose not to even respect the limits in my profile

Here is what I think,,
You spammed your copypasta to every female listed as submissive on here, without bothering to actually read profiles, because you are, at best, only about what YOU want, regardless of anyone else, or, more likely, are scammers trying to pull some BS and think everyone on here is stupid and or desperate
You failed

ScammyCouple on 11/25/19 at 8:14 AM:
Read it several times and understand you will respect a women as domme but are not interested in women and and one must earn your submission

(Liar, liar, pants on fire! You didn't read shit! No, dumbass. It says I do not submit to women, will treat dommes as equals, as long as they merit it, and that I am specifically looking for a FEMALE slave, and open to play, dating, and maybe more with WOMEN. And I don't use the "earn my submission" trope anywhere on there. They actually did **visit** my profile for the first time just before that message, but obviously didn't bother reading it.)

KhaosWolfKat on 11/25/19 at 11:01 AM:
I have no idea where you got any of that, but it isnt what my profile says at all
Try again, Sparky

(Actually, I have a pretty good idea. He ASSUMED it because that is a common, cookie-cutter response. They love it when we call them "Sparky!" Almost as much as "cupcake".)

(And crickets since, though the message has been seen. Maybe he finally gave up.)

Offline Profile WWW YIM

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