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Status vs BDSM Role or Play Preferences

AKA, "There are no switches/subs/doms/etc 'on Gor'"

(and Gorean Living's policy on that)

Added 2018.07.03

This is a refrain often heard in Gorean venues, most especially on sites and servers catering largely to the BDSM community.
Unfortunately, most Gorean chat rooms and forums are hosted on BDSM sites, due to the fact that Gor has been categorised by the masses as a subset of BDSM.

Such places are BDSM/Kink focused sites/servers, and, as such, people's profiles and such are apt to reflect their BDSM/Kink oriented identifications.

The Gorean Living website comes up fairly close to the top of searches for "Gorean lifestyle", and similar, and the chat room, forums, and FetLife group are specifically meant to be welcoming to people who are new, and/or curious about what this whole "Gor thing" is about. Many of those people are coming from a purely BDSM background. Most of them have been told that Gor is some extreme form of D/s or M/s, related to or part of BDSM.

Gor is not part of BDSM. Period.
For a far more detailed writing on that subject, please read Jon Watt's essay, here.

How someone identifies, in terms of their BDSM interests or activities has NOTHING to do with their status as free or slave!

Free and slave are statuses within the Gorean construct.
One is either free - not owned, seeking to be owned, or identifying as a slave - or they are slave - a person who is owned, seeking to be owned, or identifying as a slave.

Top, dom/me, switch, sub, bottom, pain slut, little girl, masochist, sadist, etc are BDSM indicators, and any of those may be free or slave.

Statements such as, "there are no switches/subs/etc on Gor" are unwelcome and will be shot down in Gorean Living forums and chat areas. Expect it.

There is no golf on Gor either, or baseball, or fast food restaurants, or COMPUTERS, or INTERNET, to name a few things!

This is not Gor. It is a website for Goreans and those interested in Gorean philosophy, who live on the planet Earth (not "Urth"), to read, congregate, and converse.

Goreans in the real world come from all walks of life and enjoy many activities, many of which have nothing at all to do with Gor or Gorean philosophy.

Gorean is what we ARE.

The activities in which we participate are what we DO.

© Khaos WolfKat 2018


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