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Kaissa ~ The Game ~ Rules & Game Play

This gives a basic overview of The Game and how it is played.

The Game represents two opposing cities, at war with one another. The piece called the Home Stone is the most important piece in The Game. It represents the heart of your city. It is that heart, your Home Stone, that you must protect.

there are two opposing sides. Red and yellow. Yellow always plays first.
The object of The Game is to capture your opponent's Home Stone, without losing your own, by out maneuvering and/or capturing your opponent's other pieces. All capturing is done by directly landing on an opponent's opposing pieces. The Game is over when one player's Home Stone is captured, or one of the players resigns.

The Board:
The Kaissa board consists of 100 checkered squares, 10 to a side, typically red and yellow, but often done in other colours as well. Boards can be anything from something drawn out on a piece of paper, to table sized, intricate wood or marble, or anything in between. Most common boards will be simple, and made of wood, or cloth, which can be rolled up for travel. There are a total of 42 pieces in The Game; 21 per side.

The Pieces:
The pieces, like the board, can be anything from the extremely simple and disposable, such as paper or small stones marked to represent each piece, to beautifully designed figurines of metal or stone. Most common are coloured, wooden disks with the appropriate symbol drawn on, or carved wooden pieces representative of each piece, which may be painted, or of differing colours of wood.
The Ubar (Ruler) of the city, is the most powerful piece on the board. He can move as far as he likes in any direction, so long as his way is not impeded by another piece.
The Ubara functions much like the Ubar, except that she is restricted to three squares in any one direction, so long as she is not impeded by another piece in her way. The Ubara, at the start of The Game, rests on a square of her own color, next to the Ubar.
The Tarnsman is the Ubar's most likely "right hand man". His moves are three squares up and two over in any direction; he is the only piece on the board that can go over or around another piece. There are two Tarnsmen to a side, one on one side of the Ubar, the other on the other side of the Ubara.
The Scribe moves diagonally on his own color, forward or backward, but is limited to five squares in either direction, so long as no one impedes his progress. There are two Scribes to a side.
The Builder moves on the board, forward, backward and laterally in both directions, with no limit to the number of squares he can advance, so long as no one impedes his progress. There are two Builders to a side.
The Initiate is a high priest, and not to be trusted. He, like the Scribe, moves on the diagonal; except, unlike the Scribe, the Initiates have no limit to the number of squares they can advance, so long as their way is not impeded by another piece. He is also limited to his own color.
The Spearman is the first of the front row pieces. He moves forward only and captures only on the diagonal. On his first move, the Spearman has the option of moving either 1, 2 or 3 squares forward. After the Spearman's first move he advances only one square at a time, no matter which option he chooses. A spearman cannot be redeemed for a lost higher piece by advancing him down to your opponent's first rank. This limits his actions and doesn't create miracles that shouldn't happen. There are six Spearmen to a side in The Game.
Rider of the High Tharlarion
Flanking the six Spearmen in the front row, one on each side, are the Riders of the High Tharlarion. They have the ability to move one square in any direction, so long as they are not impeded by another piece.
Flanking the two Riders of the High Tharlarion in the front row, one on each side, are the Assassins. The assassins have the ability to move two squares in any direction forward, backward, laterally or diagonally, so long as their was is not impeded by another piece.
Home Stone
The Home Stone, the most important piece in The Game, does not start out on the board, but must be placed on the board after the seventh move and on or before, but not later than the tenth move. The placement of the Home Stone constitutes a move on it's own. If the Home Stone is not placed on or before the tenth move, The Game is over by default. The Home Stone can only be placed on the back row, on an unoccupied square, and can subsequently move one square in any direction, but cannot capture other pieces.

Board Setup:
This is how the board should be set up at the beginning of The Game. Note that the Home Stones are not yet placed on the board.

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