Gorean Living User Forums

Random Friend Request #41,285,296
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Author:  KhaosWolfKat [ 15 Apr 2024, 14:05 ]
Post subject:  Random Friend Request #41,285,296

From FetLife

This self proclaimed Misogynist Dom has nearly a hundred "pictures" that are screenshots stolen from other people's profiles, and/or random places on the internet, and some typical incel bullshit in his about me. He's got "Dom" as part of his username, so we all will know that is what he (thinks he) is, and clearly knows it all at the ripe old age of twenty something.

In response to his blind friend request, I send him my standard, "Random friend request" reply that I send all completely unknown randos who send random friend requests.

Super predictable butthurt ensues.

I was going to call him, "dom-wannabe", but someone actually has that username on there, so I will dub him, "

(My commentary like this)
Commentary = stuff I added for you, the readers, rather than part of the original message exchange.

51F Evolving

We are sorry, but your random friend request cannot be accepted at this time. However, if you take the time to read the recipients profile, apply some effort and message them politely, this action may be reconsidered, depending on your level of maturity. As always, any comments, complaints, concerns, questions you may have are welcome and will be forwarded to our specialists for review, and will be assigned a number accordingly.

(Cue butthurt in 3... 2... 1...)

20sM Dom

I dont give a fuck

51F Evolving

Awww.. Is um domly dom butthurt cause hims didn't get what him wanted?

Poor cupcake. Maybe try reading profiles in future.

20sM Dom

go fuck yourself

(Ooh! He sure told me! LOL.)

51F Evolving

Hello again, cupcake,

I imagine fucking myself would be far more pleasurable than fucking you!
So, you send a friend request to someone whose profile CLEARLY instructs to not send blind friend requests, and then get all pissy and lash out like a toddler when you get called on it. That's hilarious. SOOOO dominant! LOL.

Guess what, mister butthurt boy... There are groups on here dedicated to sharing stupid messages from silly buggers just like you, to be mocked by the masses. So now, several thousand members of said groups are going to see just how mature you are(n't) in messaging people on here. Enjoy your moment of fame! :D

Toodlepip, little muffin.

(They love it when you call them things like cupcake and muffin.)

20sM Dom

[Sends another friend request]

51F Evolving

Dude, seriously? Why are you sending another friend request??

20sM Dom

cuz i want to
51F Evolving

I guess if you enjoy exercises in futility, that's your right.

(Maybe he's a closet masochist? Has a secret humiliation fetish? And he's just sent ANOTHER request! WTAF?)

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