Gorean Living User Forums

Do people really do that or am I the only speshul snowflake?
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Author:  KhaosWolfKat [ 11 Apr 2019, 10:10 ]
Post subject:  Do people really do that or am I the only speshul snowflake?

From OkCupid

Going through my mail folder on OKStupid.

(My commentary like this)
Commentary = stuff I added for you, the readers, rather than part of the original message exchange.

You are adorable and fascinating...
So do people actually try to sex talk you?

I am curious about you...

You are totally against me wanking to your scandalous sexuality? How about you wanking to mine?
Sent on 6/8/2013

Well, you just did.
And so did three of the other guys who messaged me today.
The really amazing bit is that you apparently actually read the profile, and then specifically did what I said I didn't like anyway!

I don't care what you wank to. I just don't want to hear about it when we haven't established that sort of dynamic.
Sent on 6/8/2013

(He never replied after that. I guess I missed out.)

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