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<  Return to Sender - GL  ~  Thinking is a waste of time

PostPosted: 07 Apr 2019, 18:56
User avatarSite AdminPosts: 187Location: Seattle, WAJoined: 24 Sep 2013, 19:00Status/Identification: Gorean Free Woman
From CS Chat

I got this random dude in PM on CS. Supposedly a submissive. Uh huh. Name changed, as per usual.

[19:35:45] Common channels with Wookie-fondling bum sock: #Collarspace_Lobby

[19:35:45] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> hey

[19:35:59] KhaosWolfKat Umm... Hello.

[19:36:16] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> how are you?

[19:37:21] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> I would like to chat with you with a collar around the neck

[19:37:26] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> If you don't mind

[19:37:46] KhaosWolfKat I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean.

[19:38:11] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> which part of the sentence you didn't understand?

[19:38:31] KhaosWolfKat The entire thing. It didn't make sense.

[19:38:46] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> It makes complete sense, read the sentence once again

[19:38:48] KhaosWolfKat Correction: I got the wanting to chat with me bit...

[19:39:08] KhaosWolfKat You want to chat with me... "with a collar around the neck"...

[19:39:18] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> Yes

[19:40:24] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> I have a pink leather dog collar with BITCH written on it along with a chain leash

[19:40:34] KhaosWolfKat Umm.. OK. Good for you?

[19:40:46] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> Yes, it is for me

[19:40:59] KhaosWolfKat Upon who's neck were you planning to place it?

[19:41:19] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> on mine itself

[19:41:56] KhaosWolfKat Well.. It's your collar and your neck, so I guess that's up to you. I really don't care what people wear when chatting.

[19:42:21] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> I cannot place it on your neck as you have a very dominant personality

[19:42:29] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> so it has to be my neck only

[19:42:55] KhaosWolfKat Well, actually, the reasons you can't put it on my neck are a bit more complicated.

[19:43:21] KhaosWolfKat 1. I have not consented.

[19:43:22] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> those reason can be from your end, the reason from my end is already told

[19:43:33] KhaosWolfKat 2. I have no idea who you are, or anything about you.

[19:43:49] KhaosWolfKat 3. We are talking on a computer.

[19:43:57] KhaosWolfKat Yeah. OK.

[19:45:10] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> collar should be worn loose or tight around the neck?

[19:45:25] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> Or it depends on the dog??

[19:46:29] KhaosWolfKat I always put my dogs' collars on so they are tight enough not to slip, and loose enough to put two fingers between teh collar and the neck. My slave wears a Turian style collar, so it is a bit looser.

[19:47:13] KhaosWolfKat brb. Dogs want out

[19:47:29] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> I think mine also should be tight enough

[19:47:36] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> take me also for a wallk

[19:50:18] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> I also want to go out on a walk on hands and knees and collared and dragged by the leash

[19:52:23] KhaosWolfKat Yeah. I'm not into online RP unless it's part of a RPG.

[19:53:16] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> I am not talking about RP, I want this in real

[19:53:26] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> i really crave for all this

[19:54:02] KhaosWolfKat Did you read my profile?

[19:54:22] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> Yeah I have read your profile

[19:54:42] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> I just told yuo about my fantasy, the things I really dream of and crave for

[19:55:19] KhaosWolfKat So, does that mean you decided to simply ignore my wishes written there, or do you feel that you are somehow special, and my rules and preferences do not apply to you?

[19:55:46] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> I didn't tell you to do these with me

[19:55:58] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> I just shared my fantasies with you

[19:56:38] KhaosWolfKat Did I ask you to tell me your fantasies?

[19:56:49] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> no

[19:56:50] KhaosWolfKat Or give you any indication at all that I would like to hear them?

[19:56:58] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> no

[19:57:47] KhaosWolfKat So, what on Earth made you think that was a good idea?

[19:58:02] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> I dont think that much

[19:58:08] KhaosWolfKat Would you just walk up to a random woman in a coffee shop and start telling her your fantasies straight away?

[19:58:54] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> depends on the random woman

[19:59:20] KhaosWolfKat A woman you do not know.

[19:59:39] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> Yes I know the meaning of random woman

[20:00:30] KhaosWolfKat I am appalled that you could possibly think it would ever be ok to accost a stranger with such things, for any reason.

[20:01:01] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> I said I don't think too much

[20:01:12] KhaosWolfKat Clearly.

[20:01:14] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> thinking is a waste of time

[20:02:20] KhaosWolfKat Whatever, dude.

[20:03:32] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> You won't believe I once long time back went to a random female in my neighbour and handed her the dog collar and kneeled infront of her

[20:04:25] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> and she without any moment to think and question, placed the collar around my neck. and that was her first time experience that too so weird

[20:04:39] KhaosWolfKat You're right. I don't believe it.

[20:05:18] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> Its upto you, that lady was my domme for good 2 years before she moved to another city

[20:05:47] KhaosWolfKat That's nice. Thanks for dropping by.

[20:06:02] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> You are most welcome

[20:06:26] KhaosWolfKat Marklar.

[20:06:55] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> dont make your life boring and so predictable. Let the things happen in the blink of eyes and be quick to react to the thunder speed

[20:07:08] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> that's the fun of life I believe in living

[20:07:21] KhaosWolfKat I have all the marklar I can marklar already.

[20:07:45] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> what is marklar?

[20:07:54] KhaosWolfKat Marklar is marklar.

[20:08:12] KhaosWolfKat All is marlkar. Be one with marklar.

[20:08:27] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> okay got it. I googled it

[20:09:51] KhaosWolfKat Mad marklar skilz!

[20:10:05] <Wookie-fondling bum sock> yeah right

[20:10:43] KhaosWolfKat Marklar?

*(Then the server reset, and we were torn asunder. Oh woe!!)*

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