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"Stupid" Assignment

It is pretty common to find youself engaging in self berating behaviour. We often, on realising we have done something not so bright, crying out, (either in our heads or out loud), "How could I have been so stupid!?", or, "I'm such an idiot!". The fact is, we've all been there, but do we really consider the power of our own words?
Do you?
The words we use, and the words others use to describe us are part of what shapes who we actually are and become. That is why it is important to pay attention to and choose carefully the words we use about ourselves (and others!).
This exercise is designed to help you to choose different words - More empowering and positive words, on a daily basis. The words we are dealing with in this particular assignment are the sorts of words often used when someone makes a mistake or does something foolish, but the same concepts can be applied to many of the more negative words we often find ourselves using. Another, upcoming assignment will delve a bit more into that, but I bet you can think of some right off the top of your head.
Now, on to the assignment...

Look up the definitions of the following words in the dictionary:

• Stupid

• Idiot

• Dumb

• Foolish

• Silly

• Ignorant

• Mistake

Write or type out (or copy and paste) the dictionary defiitions of each of the words listed above, either at the top of the essay page or on a separate page to hand in along with your essay. (Assuming you are turning these assignments in to someone)

Write an essay (no minimum # of words, but must include all components listed below.) explaining the difference between being stupid and having done a foolish, ignorant, silly, etc. thing or making a mistake.

Give examples of some other words that may describe actions that may cause you to feel like calling yourself stupid/idiot/dumb/etc.

Form and describe a plan of action to help yourself remember not to call yourself names, but to own up to actions and work on fixing problems. Explain how you will hold yourself accountable to sticking to your plan. (Remember, asking someone else to help remind you counts as being accountable!)