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Daily Check-In

This assignment is simple, but extremely useful in becoming accustomed to knowing yourself more fully, and keeping in touch with how you are doing on a daily basis. Most of us have never really considered our own feelings on a daily basis, but rather, only in times of great turmoil, whether positive or negative.
Following the directions here on a daily basis is an important step toward self actualisation.

Begin keeping a daily journal, if you do not already.
Each day, include one or more of the results of this "check in", even if you have nothing else to write about for the day. These can serve as prompts on days when you don't know what to write in your journal.

• Daily reading ~ choose an inspirational reading each day to focus on. This can be a passage from a bible or other sacred text, something from a collection of quotes or book of poetry, or from a specific daily reading/meditation book or "thought for the day" mailing. Click here for a list of suggested sources.
Summarise the reading and what you got out of it.

• Self Esteem rating - rated from 1-10 ~ This is a rating of how you are feeling about yourself and your self worth.

• Goal for the day ~ Choose one thing that you specifically wish to accomplish that day.*

• Yesterday's Goal ~ *Answer the following questions if you had a goal yesterday:
  - Did you complete your previous day's goal?
  - How did achieving or not achieving that goal feel?
  - Is there something you could have done differently for a more desirable outcome?

• Feelings check ~ Use at least two feeling words to describe your current emotional state. Avoid vague or subjective words, such as, "bad" or "good". Write it as a complete sentence, starting with, "I feel...".

Here is an incomplete list of feeling words to help you out.

Accepted, Affectionate, Amused, Brave, Calm, Caring, Cheerful, Confident, Content, Courageous, Curious, Delighted, Desirable, Eager, Excited, Forgiving, Friendly, Fulfilled, Generous, Glad, Grateful, Happy, Hopeful, Joyful, Lovable, Loved, Loving, Loyal, Passionate, Peaceful, Playful, Pleased, Proud, Relaxed, Relieved, Respected, Safe, Satisfied, Secure, Silly, Special, Strong, Supportive, Sympathetic, Thankful, Thrilled, Trusted, Tender, Understood, Understanding, Worthwhile, Youthful, Afraid, Angry, Anxious, Apprehensive, Ashamed, Awkward, Bitter, Confused, Defeated, Dejected, Dependent, Depressed, Despairing, Desperate, Devastated, Disappointed, Disgusted, Embarrassed, Fearful, Foolish, Frantic, Frustrated, Furious, Guilty, Hateful, Helpless, Horrified, Hostile, Humiliated, Hurt, Ignored, Impatient, Insecure, Irritated, Isolated, Jealous, Lonely, Miserable, Misunderstood, Needy, Outraged, Overwhelmed, Panicky, Pessimistic, Pressured, Regretful, Rejected, Remorseful, Sad, Self-conscious, Shy, Sorry, Stubborn, Terrified, Threatened, Tired, Touchy, Trapped, Troubled, Unappreciated, Unattractive, Uncertain, Uncomfortable, Uneasy, Unfulfilled, Used, Useless, Uptight, Victimized, Vulnerable, Weary, Worn-out, Worried,

Code for journal entry